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Hosted under the Canadian Working Belgian Shepherd Association (CWBSA).

Click here for CWBSA Trial Policy

Entry fees:

BH, FPr, UPr, SPr, IFH-V: $75*

IGP 1-3, IGP-V: $100*

IFH 1-2: $100*

* Participants not belonging to an IGP club affiliated to a National organization shall add $25 for BH, FPr, UPr, SPr, IFH-V, and add $50 for IGP 1-3, IGP-V, IFH 1-2. Extra fee may be waved for participants volunteering their time for running trials or supporting events in other ways.

Payable by Interac e-transfer or Paypal to info@oxfordipo.com

  • Zeitzone: America/Toronto
  • Meldebeginn: 01.01.2023 00:00:00
  • Meldeschluss: 05.05.2023 23:59:59
  • Disziplin: FCI-IGP, FCI-IGP FH, Fährtenhundprüfung, Begleithundprüfung
  • Ausrichtender Verein: Oxford IPO Working Dog Club
  • Rassen: alle Rassen

Information Meldegebühr

nicht hinterlegt


1,00 €


Anthony Hartelaub


Gobei Ramesh


Cheyenne Boulanger

Keine Daten vorhanden

Richter und Helfer

Oxford IPO Spring trial 2023 13. - 14.05.2023