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USRC Sieger National and Breed Survey

  • 17.11.2024
  • 5274 Poplar Rd,, 95687 Vacaville, CA


Two shows in one day!

2 rings running simultaneously

Sieger National judged by Fernando Lucas Martins (FCI Portugal) will begin with male pups and youth followed by adult Males

Sidekick show, judged by Amanda Hoskinson (USRC) begins with bitch puppy and youth followed by adult

Afternoon will see Amanda Hoskinson (USRC) judging males while Fernando Lucas Martins (FCI Portugal) judges National bitches

Selection of National Best Puppy, National Youth Sieger/Siegerin, National Sieger/Siegerin, and BOB will conclude the event

Entries will be capped at 60 per show

General Information

Please see http://www.usrconline.org/show_entry.html for general class information

Information Meldegebühr

USRC National Sieger Show: Puppy show entries $65. Youth and Adult and special classes $85. BSE $100 ZTP $125. PayPal entry fees to: www.paypal.me/willowtreeranch



Michelle Platt



Michelle Platt



Denise Remtema


Dana McMahan (Williams)


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Richter und Helfer

  • Showrichter

    Fernando Lucas Martins

    pt  Portugal

    Jüngstenklasse (6 - 9 Monate) - Rüden, Jüngstenklasse (6 - 9 Monate) - Hündinnen, Gebrauchshundeklasse (ab 15 Monate) - Rüden, Gebrauchshundeklasse (ab 15 Monate) - Hündinnen, Puppy male 4-6 month_m, Puppy male 4-6 month_f, Puppy male 9-12 month_m, Puppy male 9-12 month_f, Youth male 12-18 month_m, Youth male 12-18 month_f, Youth Male 18-24 month_m, Youth Male 18-24 month_f, Stud Dog class_m, Stud Dog class_f, Brood Bitch class_m, Brood Bitch class_f, Veteran male 7 years and older_m, Veteran male 7 years and older_f, Kennel Class_m, Kennel Class_f, SiegerSiegerin Class_m, SiegerSiegerin Class_f, ZTP_m, ZTP_f, BSE_m, BSE_f


  • Showrichter

    Amanda Hoskinson

    us  Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

    Puppy female 4-6 month, Puppy female 9-12 month, Youth female 12-18 month, Youth female 18-24 month, Open Class Female 24 month and older, Open Class Male 24 months and up, Champion Class Male 24 months and up, Champion Class Female 24 month and up, Vetran female 7 years and older, Youth male 18-24 month, Open Class male 24 month and older, Champion Class male 24 Month and older, Open Class female 24 month and older, Champion Class female 24 Month and older, Veteran female 7 years and older


USRC Sieger National and Breed Survey 17.11.2024
5274 Poplar Rd,, 95687 Vacaville, CA

USRC Sieger National and Breed Survey, Vacaville, CA, 17.11.2024